This year at TeenPact was amazing!!!! The staff were wonderful. We had Quinton Cools, Kira Clark, Jimmy, Tara, Tim Elliot, and Molly Reich as state staff. Our Interns were August Huckabee, Bryne Goode, and program Director Caleb Baitz. And I shouldn't neglect our camera man, Isaac Harris. Ultimate was great. There were a ton of new kids this year. My brother JE, Hannah Solem, and Michael Turner were the WA state Representatives. Ben Solem was Governor. I grew so much spiritually, and made many lasting friendships. This ministry is so needed in our generation. TeenPact is preparing young people to step out and lead through serving. Its amazing how many lives are changed through it. Every night each cabin gathers together for Rondevue where we talk and pray. It was a great time to just share with other likeminded Christian girls. :D
I would love to staff sometime in the future. Right now, I am just planning my trip to Survival. :D Its going to be amazing. TeenPact and NCFCA have been two of the best things I have done for school, and I should say fun as well. Thats all for now....
I don't know what God has for my future, but He does. And Right now, I am just going to trust Him to take care of it.....:) God has been working on my heart the past week to just rest in what He has planned for me. Who knows what lies just around the corner???:)
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