(Thank you for correcting me anonymous, I posted this quite late and was too tired to notice my mistake)
LD Debate awards....
Josiah Bryant, John Chaffee, Jason Kosloski, Sarah Chaffee, Katharine Knight, Max Nelsen, Kira Clark, Kelsea Mort
Josiah Bryant, John Chaffee, Jason Kosloski, Sarah Chaffee, Katharine Knight, Max Nelsen, Kira Clark, Kelsea Mort
Pesuasive Awards...
Ruth Ptak, Max Nelsen, Sam Paul, Sarah Chaffee, Kelsea Mort, Catharine Jones, Lauren Reavely
Ruth Ptak, Max Nelsen, Sam Paul, Sarah Chaffee, Kelsea Mort, Catharine Jones, Lauren Reavely
Dramatic Interpretation... These ladies are extremely skilled at making people cry, and they delight in doing it!!!
(Grace Debuschere, Acacia Danielson, Amy Anstett, Kira Clark, Catharine Jones)